
Nell’area riabilitativa vi sarà presente un’èquipe specializzata che prenderà in carico i vari pazienti svolgendo vari tipi di terapia in base alle varie patologie: fisioterapiapsicomotricitàlogopediaterapia occupazionale.                        

Ciò servirà al fine di lavorare sui punti critici della patologia a beneficio della condizione as-is del paziente.

La nostra area riabilitativa

A Guide to Chatbot Marketing: Examples, Uses & Benefits

Lug 18, 2024

8 Proven Ways to Use Chatbots for Conversational Marketing Delicatessen created an immersive outdoor experience and gave its audience a clearer idea of a climb’s scale and what it entails.…

Crypto trading signals: where to get them & how to read them

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Users relying on a “free telegram” channel may unknowingly expose themselves to unscrupulous actors. Verifying the legitimacy of the channel, cross-referencing signals, and staying attuned to community feedback can serve…

What Is Ether ETH, the Cryptocurrency of Ethereum Apps?

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AAVE is used to vote and decide on the outcome of Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs). Apart from this, AAVE can be staked within the protocol Safety Module to provide a…

Введение в GraphQL: что это за язык и как использовать его под Android

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СодержаниеJavaScript редактор диаграмм, который открывает диаграммы из PNG картинок (open source) / Хабр | Веб-студия Nat.od.uaСервис push-уведомлений для 1С (Push Notification Service For 1C – PNS4OneS)«Java-проект от А до Я»:…

Zendesk VS Intercom: In-Depth Analysis & Review

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Zendesk vs Intercom in 2023: Detailed Analysis of Features, Pricing, and More Lastly, Intercom offers an academy that offers concise courses to help users make the most out of their…

What is Incident Management? Benefits, Processes, and Best Practices

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The state of tourism and hospitality 2024 Travel, Logistics & Infrastructure This naturally results in the business having to spend less on its operating costs and yet, gaining more through…