
Nell’area riabilitativa vi sarà presente un’èquipe specializzata che prenderà in carico i vari pazienti svolgendo vari tipi di terapia in base alle varie patologie: fisioterapiapsicomotricitàlogopediaterapia occupazionale.                        

Ciò servirà al fine di lavorare sui punti critici della patologia a beneficio della condizione as-is del paziente.

La nostra area riabilitativa

5-Step Help Desk Transition Plan From In-House to Outsourced Help Desk Support

Dic 30, 2022

In a world that is increasingly reliant on technology, the role of a Help Desk Engineer has never been more critical. These tech-savvy problem solvers serve as the first line…

MVC in Computer Science The MVC Model

Dic 29, 2022

Let us discuss each of these components of the MVC design pattern in detail. Going back to our shopping list app, the model would specify what data the list items…

How To Integrate Ai Right Into A Inventory Buying And Selling App

Dic 28, 2022

You can get past market data in many places, similar to financial knowledge companies, coin websites, or specialized data platforms. It is important to make sure automatic trading the data…

Examples Of Synthetic General Intellgence Agi

Dic 17, 2022

Human intelligence has advanced over millions of years, formed by countless environmental pressures and genetic variations. This evolutionary course of has resulted in a extremely adaptive and flexible form of…

Lido La Fenice

Nov 25, 2022
Lido La Fenice

Via spiaggia di ponente,2, 98057 Milazzo ME Lido interamente accessibile alle persone disabili, dispone di passerella che arriva fino alla riva del mare e di sedie Job. Inoltre, vi è…

Al Politeama Multisala

Nov 25, 2022
Al Politeama Multisala

Via E. Amari, 160, 90139 Palermo PA